Friday, December 26, 2008

2 sides of life !

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blissful days

Those sparkling little eyes , that cheerful attitude , those innocent smiles , those thoughtful questions , those exchange of ideas , those silly fights and those everlasting friendships ,craving for attention , playing in rain ,building new dreams , inquisitive to know everything around ,learning to ride bicycle , not even iota of jealousy, admiring and accepting everybody , Lost in their own world , nothing to worry about.

Wow! Words just fall short to describe the most blissful days of one’s life - THE CHILDHOOD DAYS.
How I wish for a moment the time turn's back and I can relive my days again.

You can earn back the money you have lost, regain the lost respect, rebuild your dream house, get back your lost love etc... But it’s not possible to get back the good old days, your "childhood days". I remember a ghazal by Jagjit singh " Ye daulat bhi le lo, ye shohorat bhi lelo , Bhale cheen lo mujhse meri jawani magar mujko lautado , bachpan ka saawan , voh kaagaz ki kashti voh Baarish ka paani ".
And I am sure there are so many out there who just wish the same thing!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

" E L E V E N T H "

" I Love You, and I am very serious about it " with great difficulty he managed to say these words to me, I could see him muffling with his words, he was happy as well as scared, his eyes waiting to comprehend the thoughts running in my mind, and his heart wanting to listen to those 3 magical words again.

For the first time I felt very conscious being with my best friend. He seemed so strange and new to me. I had no idea as to what I should respond to. In order to break the ice I said " come, let’s sit there ", indicating to our group of friends who were playing guitar and singing songs ignoring his proposal. The expression on his face after this statement was a "Kodak moment" :)

We went back to our group and joined them, however I knew that he was restless to listen to my response and I was totally confused as to what I had to say. Though I always used to be very comfortable with him, after this incident I started avoiding his eye contact, I had jitters in my stomach and probably deep with in my heart I too knew that he is the love of my life.

This incident occurred on October 11th 2002. My husband proposed to me and I accepted it after a long wait of 18000 seconds :) ,Since then 11th has been a very special day in our lives.

Every month we do celebrate it in our own little way .We become nostalgic and start recollecting our good old days, all the moments where we had walked hand in hand, those singing competitions, those silly fights, sharing ice-creams and demanding chocolates, messaging all the night, traveling in the same bus just to have a glance of each other, bunking classes, those advises and arguments etc...

Time has passed really fast, though it’s a relationship of 6 years we feel as if its just yesterday we knew each other. Silently in my prayers I thank god for having him in my life and dream about the wonderful days stored for both of us in the future. I must say, every moment I look at him I fall in love with him all over again. He is my best friend, my worst critic and my well-wisher.

Thank you lord for giving such a wonderful gift in the form of my husband "Pritam”, and making Eleventh a special date in my life.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Student and Teacher

Today while I was browsing through few books of Paulo coelho one of the online book caught my attention. I'ts named "STORIES FOR PARENTS, CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN" . It's is a collection of short stories and every story has a moral to learn by the end of it. In one of the stories confucius was explaining to his descpiles about being a good teacher and a good student.
here is the direct extract from the book
"who is a good teacher?'
'Someone who questions everything he teaches. Old ideas cannot enslave a man,because they change and take on new forms.
So let us use the philosophical riches of the past,but without forgetting the challenges that the present world sets before us.'
'And who is a good student?'
'Someone who listens to what I say, but adapts my teachings to his life and never follows them blindly. Someone who looks not
just for employment, but for a job that brings him dignity. Someone who does not seek to be noticed, but to do something notable."
Is'nt it thoughtful ?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Poet in Me

Seldom does a person realize his talent. Neither did I ever recognize the poet inside me.Words used to just pop up in my mind and I started articulating them. Anything around me became my inspiration. There is a saying that you can do anything when you are in love .I confess,I started writing poems. Here is a slight peek-a-boo in to my world of poems.

Ignorance is bliss

“Ignorance is bliss” – how true!

Now I actually understand the true essence of this proverb
Wish I would have restricted myself to what I am supposed to do, not knowing certain things which have no connection to my life. What a delightful experience would it have been. Being over knowledged about the surrounding atmosphere is a pain at times.

Knowing about the breakups’s , about the office politics , backbiting . God what not !! They are never pleasant.You might get very curious, want to know what is happening around, want to be a part of the rat race and you try to dig up the sources to get the information. Trust me it’s not all that worth. It’s always better to refrain from knowing things which does not affect you or your work.
In our lifetime we meet many people fat, thin, short, tall, fair, dark appearance wise and some mean, wicked, cruel, kind, admirable, lovable, helpful, cunning etc .Sometimes we thank god for having met them as they would have made a huge difference in your life and some time curse our fate and say why the hell did we meet such people definitely they too will make a difference in your life however adversely.
So its good to just good to stick to your work and yourself.

A big NO NO to "Emotional Bonding " at office.
Because when it breaks it hurts,and to recover from it is never a pleasant experience.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Perspective on Life !!!

Has it happened ever that you are left completely clueless of what you want to do in life ? For a moment you feel that the years of hardwork was simple waste of time and you could have done much better things to make your life more blissful and complete. Most of the times we seemed to be dazed by amazing progress acheived by our friends, relatives and collegues and wish ourself to be in that position.

Quite an irresistable thought is'nt it ?

I believe every human being has been destined to do a set of work on this earth, there are goals which has already been planned and our whole life just goes in discovering new ways of reaching that goal. In this process life may take you through its darkest streets which we might have no clue about however , by the end of this path we get connected back to the main path. Every little thing we do will help us to get more prepared and strong to acheive the set goal.

When i speak about goal i am not emphasizing on our career goals , they tend to become the part and parcel of our eductional system. They are just a means to earn our livliehood. My idea revolves about the purpose of human life itself.

When you know that, your life has been worth living, when you become contented with the rewards of life both bitter and sweet, when you mature to accept failure and success in same manner , when you realise how you have made a huge difference in other's life , when you feel proud about your exsistance, when you attain a sense of fulfillment then i think you have acheived the goal of your life.

Ultimately feeling the power of being the most sensible creation of god and feel connected to that supreme divinity ,your life develops a meaning and becomes an inspiration for others to live.